Gender Background and Inventory:
I have been invited to participate in a study of conceptions of gender using twins. This research is being conducted by Dr. Nancy L. Segal at California State University, Fullerton. I also understand that it is a research study only. I also understand my twins are valuable participants in research because twins help us to know how genetic and environmental influences affect human behavior. I have been told that the time required is about 30 minutes. My agreement to take part does not mean that I have to complete the tests, or do anything I prefer not to do.
If I decide to participate, I will complete a Gender Identity Form. I will also complete a form that will tell me with a degree of certainty if my twins are identical or fraternal. I will also provide some background information about myself and my twins. I understand that filling out some forms may be stressful for me. Other than that, there are no known risks associated with this test, beyond those of everyday life. No payment will be given for my participation.
I understand that my participation is strictly voluntary. I also have been told that research records will be kept confidential to the extent provided by California State University regulations. I understand that in any written reports or publications, no one will be identified or identifiable, and only group data will be presented.
My decision concerning whether or not to participate will not affect my future relations with California State University, or my current educational institution or place of business in any way. If I decide to participate, I am free to discontinue participation at any time. It is possible that I may not wish to answer certain questions if they make me uncomfortable.
In the event that I wish to have additional feedback, this will also be provided (to me only), upon written request to Dr. Segal. I can also ask Dr. Segal for referrals or information if needed.
If I have further questions regarding my rights as a research participants, I may contact the Regulatory Compliance Coordinator at CSUF, at 657-278-2327 who welcomes any questions. The investigator and assistants have answered my questions at this time, and I know I can contact Dr. Segal at any time in the future should I have additional questions or concerns.
I am making a decision about whether or not to participate. By completing this survey I am giving my consent to participation.
Nancy L. Segal, Ph.D.
California State University, Fullerton
Director, Twin Studies Center