California State University of Fullerton
Informed Consent to Participate in Research
Study Title: Video Questionnaire
Researcher[s]: Jiselle Hernandez Ruiz/Undergraduate Student, Indie Von Martin/Undergraduate Student, Joy Zhang/Undergraduate Student, Alyssa Diaz/Undergraduate Student
We’re inviting you to take a survey for research. This survey is completely voluntary. There are no negative consequences if you don’t want to take it. If you start the survey, you can always change your mind and stop at any time.
Two of the four videos will lean more toward negative emotions evoking fear or sadness, affecting the participant's emotional state for the duration of the video. All data will be anonymous, and there will be no need to enter any personal information.
Estimated number of participants:
80-120 Undergraduate Students that attend California State University of California ranging from ages of 18-24
How long will it take?
This survey should take about 5-10 minutes.
Future research:
Your data won’t be used or shared for any future research studies.
Where will data be stored?
On the servers for the online survey software (Qualtrics).
How long will it be kept?
Information will be kept until the end of the semester.
Who can see my data?
We (the researchers) will have access to the survey responses that were entered. This is so we can analyze the data and conduct the study. All information and responses will be kept anonymous and unidentifiable.
Questions about the research, complaints, or problems:
Jiselle Hernandez Ruiz
Indie Von Martin
Joy Zhang
Alyssa Diaz
Agreement to Participate:
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. To take this survey, you must be:
- Undergraduate Student at California State University of Fullerton
If you meet these criteria and would like to take the survey, click the
YES option below to start.